Our sliding-door panel design allows you to create a perfect seal around your air conditioning unit, keeping Mother Nature out and cool air in. Attractive, affordable, and energy-efficient, EASY A-C SCREEN will make installing your window A/C unit a breeze. Simply place your EASY A-C SCREEN in your window and slide your way to frosty, clean A/C - for less!
Installation takes only 15 seconds and no tools are required. EASY A-C SCREEN will fit most windows. EASY A-C SCREEN is also compatible with a majority of window A/C models.
Product details:
•Made from high quality, high gloss finished plastic
• The clips are HDPE. The panels are ABS.
• The clips are HDPE. The panels are ABS.
•Highly durable
•Available colors: WHITE
Fully extended: 14.25" x 30.0"
Fully contracted: 14.25" x 16.0"
Thickness: 0.85"
Weight: 2.5lb
•Attractive design to match white window trim
•Second ridge for increased support
•No tools required for installation
•Creates a perfect seal to close in window A/C unit
•Energy efficient
•Compatible with a majority of window A/C units
•100% money-back guarantee
Warranty: This product is covered by Maine’s Implied Warranty Law for a period of 4 years. Please contact EASY A-C SCREEN if you have questions about your product.